One Day

One day, I pray to God to send me a person who would accompany me to fight the world and walked together till Jannah. God almost send me the answer, but then He said, “You two are not ready yet to build a new world, to make a new generation. You guys have to learn more. I promise, I will give you the partner that you need, to fight the world together. Neither with the same person, nor not. Good luck and be patient!”

You know what? It hurt. Really hurt me. Bahkan sampai detik ini, terasa perih dan menyesakan. You came then went without saying good bye to me. Sometimes I ask myself, “Am I did something wrong?” "Am I said the wrong words?” I was crying in the middle of the night. I was hoping with human. “This is your mistake.” God said.

Jauuuuh di lubuk hati terdalam, ada hal yang masih ingin diperjuangkan sampai akhir. Ada suatu keinginan yang terpendam dan berusaha untuk mewujudkannya namun merasa ini bukan waktunya. Ada suatu harapan untuk bertemu kembali di waktu yang benar-benar tepat.

Mengatakan siap bukan hanya di mulut, namun pada setiap perbuatan yang dilakukan. Memahami, bukan hanya mengerti. Memperbanyak pembelajaran. Meningkatkan durasi diskusi. Mengevaluasi diri lebih sering. Mengupgrade diri. Mengabdi melalui potensi diri.

I always curious about “who”, but forget to fix myself. I pray to God again, to be stronger than yesterday, to be patient enough, to have hope only with Him. Dear God, I always knew that You already have the answer for every question that I asked to You.

Bismillah. La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.

Bandung, 19 Juni 2019. NQS


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